
Two option vessels of JSHT entered into force

On November 30th, Fujian Guohang Ocean Shipping (Group) Co., Ltd. issued an Announcement on the Purchase of Assets (Two 73,800 DWT Bulk Carriers).

The Announcement disclosed that Guohang Ocean Shipping plans to enter into two “73,800 DWT Bulk Carrier Construction Contracts” with Jiangsu Haitong Offshore Engineering Equipment Co.,Ltd.(JSHT) The two vessels are optional vessels under the “Supplementary Agreement to the Contract for the Construction of 73,800 DWT Bulk Carriers” , by the two parties in January 2023.

This bulk carrier adopts low resistance line shape and high efficiency propulsion system to improve the propulsion efficiency and can meet the requirements of EEDI Phase III. The main engine adopts the latest low fuel consumption main engine, and the energy saving system in the engine room is fully optimized with mature and reliable technology. The hull adopts wide-body, shallow draft and integrated design, and the hull line adopts V-shaped bulbous bow.

The propulsion system adopts integrated energy-saving equipments and is optimized according to the operating conditions to reduce fuel consumption and obtain good economy. The shallow draft hull is suitable for harbor and the large capacity hull is suitable for cargo.

The new ship also introduces the concept of mobile power to realize zero emission at berth by mixing oil and electricity in the ship’s power station. Ships in the Yangtze River waterway maneuvering navigation has the role of peak shaving and valley filling, in the port to achieve green zero emission. The introduction of photovoltaic concept and mobile power combined, can be greater reduction of carbon emissions and environmental protection.

In terms of intelligent technology application, the new ship adopts machine and equipment detection and analysis system, intelligent navigation safety alert system, intelligent energy efficiency system, equipped with the ship and shore information integration platform, which can realize the fleet navigation status information, fleet energy consumption status information, fleet equipment health status information, CCTV video monitoring back to the ship and shore information and digital ship and shore information sharing with a certain degree of the Internet of Things, which is beneficial to the company’s operational decision-making.

Yangzijiang Shipbuilding

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